Monday, January 6, 2014

1 Tip to Help Avoid a Ticket or Accident during Winter

Like all of you, I awoke this morning to fresh powder covering my car. Like many people, the biggest pain in my morning routine is cleaning off the snow while braving the winter cold. 
Traveling down the road this morning I was amazed to see the amount of people who still had frost/snow covering their windows and side mirrors (only the insane would have left the windshield covered).

Seems pretty unsafe? We have all done this
or contemplated doing so in our mind. It looks 
something along the lines of this:

You step outside and realize
just how cold it is and how much snow is 
on your car. You then convince yourself that you only
have a short distance to drive or that all of the snow
will blow off once you get going. You hop in your car
after clearing off just enough room to see the road
on the drivers side and front windows to see cross

Your journey has begun and safety be damned you
consider your time or warmth more important. 

By not taking the time to properly clean off your
car of snow/ice you are potentially setting yourself up for a car accident or ticket. 

If it is not laziness that prevents you from cleaning off your car, it must be a lack of knowledge on how to clean off your car. Luckily for you I have taken the time to provide a 4-Step process known as B.O.R.G. 

1) Buy an ice scraper and leave said ice scraper in vehicle.
2) Open your door car door and remove ice scraper when there is a need for the ice scraper.
3) Remove all of the snow and ice from windows, mirrors, and lights.
4) Get into vehicle and travel safely.

Seems like a pretty simple concept? Don't be too lazy to clear off the snow. Not only is this important for your safety but for the safety of others on the road. By clearing off your car you will decrease the chances of getting a ticket or  into an accident. 

Next time you come out to the car and there is snow on it, remember B.O.R.G. 

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Spalding Insurance Agency provides exemplary service and access to Michigan's finest insurance companies. We proudly serve the personal and business insurance needs of people in East Lansing, Okemos, Haslett, Lansing, DeWitt, Perry, Detroit, Holt, Mason, Grand Rapids, Laingsburg, Bath, and other great Michigan cities. For a quote on auto insurance, home insurance, business insurance, or life insurance click here.