Wednesday, April 8, 2015

And the winning number is...

This was the first year that we held this contest for our clients, their friends, and family. The contest was pretty simple, all you had to do was guess how many jellybeans were in the jar pictured below. We supplied the dimensions of the jar, 9X6 inches, and you all did the rest.


When we decided to start this contest we were simply hoping to provide a fun contest

,something different, and the chance to win some $. We weren't sure how many participants we would even have. 10? 50? 100?


Over the month of March and into early April our inbox was flooded with guesses,  we had somewhere north of 350 people enter. It was exciting to see all of the guesses come in. There were so many great guesses we thought that there might be a chance multiple people would guess the actual number.


Surprisingly only one person guessed 1905, which is the year Spalding Insurance was founded. It was a well thought out guess and probably would have been a winner if we had thought of it ourselves.


The actual number of jellybeans in the jar was 1,117. 


The winning guess was 1,114 and the runner-up number was 1,111. We are in the process of notifying the winners so that they can stop into one of our agency locations to collect their Visa gift cards.


Thank you to everyone who participated! We believe that we have the best clients in Michigan. It is our privilege to provide you with insurance services and products.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Your Duties in the Event of a Loss

When your family or business suffers a loss or damages you have several responsibilities that you need to take per the conditions in your insurance policy. 


Below you will find some highlighted duties you have after you discover you have suffered a loss. 


- Give prompt notification to your insurance agent of the loss. You should include information such as when, where, who, and how.


- Take all reasonable steps to protect the property from further loss or damage. 


- Notify the police if the loss appears to be a result of a violation of the law such as theft or vandalism.


- Furnish to the insurance company inventories of the damaged property and permit for them to inspect the property and your records.


- Cooperate with the insurance company with the claims process including submitting to an examination regarding the loss.


- Sign a sworn proof of loss for the insurance company.


We represent several top rated insurance carriers that pride themselves on their claims handling and experience. In the event of a loss we are there to guide you through the process and make sure you are taken care of the way you deserve. 

Friday, March 27, 2015

Great News for Michigan Auto Insurance

On every Michigan auto insurance declaration page there is a charge shown for the MCCA. MCCA stands for Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association, which is a non-profit organization, formed by the Michigan legislature in 1978.

The purpose of the MCCA is to provide funds for the unlimited lifetime medical benefits that are apart of  the Michigan No-Fault Insurance law. Currently these reserves are used for when a person injured in an automobile accident exceeds over $500,000 worth of medical expenses.

On March 25th, 2015 the MCCA announced that the mandatory assessment for all insured Michigan vehicles would be lowered to $150 effective July 1st, 2015. This is great news for all Michigan residents who own, operate, and insure a vehicle.

The MCCA announced the pending changes and some important information about the MCCA assessment in a press release. We strongly encourage for you to take a look at some of the information provided, which you can access by clicking here.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Homeowners Spring Break Tips

Spring has rolled around and that means one thing for a lot of families, SPRING BREAK. A chance to get out of the cold and head to a sunny oasis for a week.


I remember growing up and whenever we were going on a family vacation we didn't go around broadcasting that our home was going to be vacant for an extended time. Why? Well living in a small town, news tends to travel pretty quickly and if the word got around to the wrong crowd that our home was going to be empty for a long time, we knew that is a burglars dream.


Fast forward to the year 2015, now we tell the whole world that we are going on vacation through social media. So how can we continue to share our vacation experiences with our friends and family while still being cautious about who sees this information? Here are some tips:


1) Make sure your privacy settings on social media sites are restricted to private. This allows for you to share information only with the people you want to share information with, not the entire world.


2) Don't give people a timetable of how long you will be gone or that your home is vacant. The worst thing to do is to let people know when you are leaving or when you will be coming home.


3) Consider making a fake post thanking a friend or family member for house sitting while you are away/


4) Ask a neighbor or friend to check up on your home and make sure that everything still seems to be in order.


5) Don't be shy about leaving an interior light on in the home, this shows potential intruders that someone is still occupying the residence.


Hopefully these tips will give you the peace of mind that you can still share your vacation with your friends and family via social media without worrying about coming home to a nightmare.


Travel Safely!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Dryer Safety

The brackets are out and the weather is once again warming up which means that spring is here. 

March is a perfect month to think about spring cleaning. This means it is also a great time to look at the threat of dryer fires. 

Did you know that 1 out of 22 fires in the United States from 2006 to 2010 was believed to have been started because of a dryer?*

Dryer fires are costly and deadly. With more than 51 fatalities related to dryer fires you should be aware of some tips to help avoid one in your house, condo, or apartment.*

Here are some helpful tips to prevent a dryer fire this spring

-Clean the dryer lint screen after every use. 
-Wash the screen regularly to remove buildup or replace the screen.
-Perform regular inspections of the duct work around the dryer and clean regularly. 
-Make sure to empty your pockets of any potential flammable objects such as a lighter or objects that could ignite or accelerate a fire. 
-If possible have a trained professional install your dryer.
-Never use the dryer without a lint filter.
-Don't overload your dryer.

Although those tips will help prevent something unthinkable from happening it does not guarentee that your life will be affected by a dryer fire. To help protect yourself, your family, and your home it is important to never turn on the dryer before you leave or start it when you are going to bed. 

*National Fire Protection Association

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

State of Michigan Employee Insurance Program

One of the best ways to reduce your insurance costs is through a group discount. An insurance company provides discounts to people for belonging to different social or professional groups. These discount range anywhere from 2% to 23% depending on the group and company. We take great pride in that all of our home and auto insurance companies will provide you with a group discount if you qualify.

As a State of Michigan employee you qualify for a group discount with Spalding Insurance Agency. We help people who are members of credit unions all of the time and would love to be of service to you.


Although you qualify for a discount as a State of Michigan Employee, this doesn’t mean this is the best group discount we have for you. When requesting a quote please think about all potential group discounts you will qualify for and we will find the one best for you.


Between Auto-Owners Insurance, Citizens Insurance, and Fremont Mutual Insurance we offer group discounts for thousands of different organizations. Some companies are very specific while others are very broad for who qualifies.


If you’re an employee of the State of Michigan please get in touch with us today as we would love to see how adding the group discount to your auto and home insurance can help you.


Other insurance discounts are available to all of our clients on their home insurance and auto insurance.  One of the most substantial discounts is the multipolicy discount that is applied to your home and auto insurance when they are insured through the same company. A major discount that you might qualify for is the prior carrier discount which is available to people who were previously insured with certain insurance companies.  


Other insurance companies want for you to ask which discounts are available to you. At Spalding Insurance Agency we ask you. We make sure your insurance is reliable, easy, and transparent. We look forward to serving you.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Should I schedule jewelry on my homeowners insurance?

Did Valentine’s Day treat you well?


Maybe you were on the receiving end of a new piece of jewelry such as a necklace, bracelet, or engagement ring.


You have had a few days to share your excitement with friends and family so now you should contact your insurance agent.


Your home, condo, or renter’s insurance policy typically has a limit that they will pay on a jewelry loss. A typical limit is $1,000, which might not be enough to cover the cost to replace your jewelry in the event of a covered loss. Not only is there a limit of insurance on jewelry there also is better coverage available to you by scheduling your jewelry on your home insurance policy.


How does scheduling my jewelry give me better coverage?


Not only are you able to insure your jewelry for its replacement cost, you are also protecting yourself with better coverage. Personal property on your home insurance policy is typically insured against named perils. By scheduling your jewelry you are scheduling it against open perils with exclusions listed of wear and tear, deterioration, inherent vice, war, insects and vermin, or nuclear hazard.


What is an example of a time a claim was paid?


One of the coverages that scheduling your jewelry gives you is known as “mysterious disappearance”. Mysterious disappearance simply means it is lost and you have no idea where it is.


A few years back we had a client lose her engagement ring while she was out running errands a few days before her big day. Luckily, she had scheduled the ring on her homeowners policy a few days after her engagement and we were able to get the item replaced quickly.


What does it cost to schedule a piece of jewelry?


This varies by insurance carrier. We generally tell people to expect to pay about $11 per $1,000 of value.



What do I need in order to schedule a piece of jewelry?


Once again, this is going to depend on your insurance company and the value of the item. Anytime you do wish to schedule an item you should have a recent appraisal showing the replacement cost of your item.