Monday, March 16, 2015

Dryer Safety

The brackets are out and the weather is once again warming up which means that spring is here. 

March is a perfect month to think about spring cleaning. This means it is also a great time to look at the threat of dryer fires. 

Did you know that 1 out of 22 fires in the United States from 2006 to 2010 was believed to have been started because of a dryer?*

Dryer fires are costly and deadly. With more than 51 fatalities related to dryer fires you should be aware of some tips to help avoid one in your house, condo, or apartment.*

Here are some helpful tips to prevent a dryer fire this spring

-Clean the dryer lint screen after every use. 
-Wash the screen regularly to remove buildup or replace the screen.
-Perform regular inspections of the duct work around the dryer and clean regularly. 
-Make sure to empty your pockets of any potential flammable objects such as a lighter or objects that could ignite or accelerate a fire. 
-If possible have a trained professional install your dryer.
-Never use the dryer without a lint filter.
-Don't overload your dryer.

Although those tips will help prevent something unthinkable from happening it does not guarentee that your life will be affected by a dryer fire. To help protect yourself, your family, and your home it is important to never turn on the dryer before you leave or start it when you are going to bed. 

*National Fire Protection Association

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