It is time for the Grand Finale!!!! This should be the last time I write about shopping carts in a long time. Lets examine what we have learned, so far.
2)Shopping carts need to be returned to their proper station after use.
3)By not returning your cart, you are driving up car insurance premiums.
4)Shopping carts are dangerous.
5)All of my theories on this subject are based on the butterfly effect.
So based on the butterfly effect, by not returning your shopping carts not only are you a terrible person, you also creating worse customer service. Don't believe me? Here is how:
A busy day at the store means more employees are needed, which is a good thing. More employees typically means better service or shorter check-out lines. But that can't happen if the extra employees are out wrangling shopping carts. So next time you hit up your favorite grocery store and have to wait in a long line and wonder "why are only 10 of the 45 checkout lines open?", odds are it is because their extra staff is out cart shop wrangling. Moral of the story: Return your shopping carts when you are done with them or the world will end.
I hope you have enjoyed this mini-series and learned a lot. Even if you haven't learned anything, I hope you have been entertained. Either way please keep this information in mind next time you're out shopping.
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